Avalon University School of Medicine i Curacao

Åben kort
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122 - 124 Santa Rosaweg, Curacao, Curazao
Kontakter telefon: +599 9 788 8008
Hjemmeside: avalonu.org
Latitude: 12.124812, Longitude: -68.885072
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Kommentar 5

  • Samuel Khrapov

    Samuel Khrapov


    Wonderful School! Great variety of students who are there to support you, teachers who are willing to take the time to teach you, and location perfect for the life of a student with the near by necessities all accessible within walking distance.

  • Rigoberto G.

    Rigoberto G.


  • Saeed Ali

    Saeed Ali


    "..I transferred to Avalon U (from another med school) and graduated, so I would highly recommend to other med students / new med students... "

  • Ali Haq

    Ali Haq


    Avalon University has succeeded in its mission to assemble their students into Medical Doctors. I have witnessed my colleagues graduate from the University and have matched into competitive residencies in the United States. If I may sum up my experience in a simple statement, it would be, “Our University provides all the doors to your success, and you must make the decision to walk through them.” We are all pursuing the identical yellow brick road as previous graduates, and likewise we will all succeed together. We are the future physicians.

  • Maxime Sedoufia

    Maxime Sedoufia


    I love this school so much...

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