Baoase Luxury Resort i Willemstad

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2, Winterswijkstraat, Willemstad, CW Curaçao
Kontakter telefon: +599 9 461 1799
Latitude: 12.0949259, Longitude: -68.9112427
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Kommentar 5

  • Dacken K

    Dacken K


    We had a table for two in front of the patio where the live music was. Beautiful decor!! Perfect view and a romantic setting. The volume of the music was 20% too loud. Some songs were not fitting to the setting. The staff was curtious, not overly friendly. We took a 5 course menu with a wine pairing. The dishes were good, not exceptional. The wine pairing however was mediocre at best. There was no sommelier, the staff showed us the wine label but not much else. We had the impression they were not qualified to do the wines. I had to ask to have the names of the wines written down on a paper. One glass of wine was forgotten, but that can happen. All in all it were good dishes, but not worth the money (300$ +!!).

  • Chelsea Nisenbaum

    Chelsea Nisenbaum


    The resort had a very serene vibe but the food was overpriced. I would recommend renting a car so you can drive into the city for dinner.

  • Marieke Curtius

    Marieke Curtius


    Small but very luxury and lovely resort to stay... Privacy is good....its a bit far away from the center to walk, maybe if you have a better condition than mine....😊 But although its more expensive , you get a lot of relaxed and marvellous special service! People are very nice and professional! Have a good stay!

  • Scott Rose

    Scott Rose


    Beautiful resort on a remarkable island. The staff is very attentive and courteous. You can't beat having a meal on the private beach overlooking a private island with the Caribbean as a back drop.

  • Leesa Nguyen

    Leesa Nguyen


    Beautiful luxury resort with dining area in front of their man made beach. Absolutely love the ambience here, it is so zen. Definitely the best restaurant in Curacao but their prices is the highest in the island as well as everything is in dollars. You can also pay for a day pass 50 USD per person to enjoy their cabana hut and Beach area. Highly recommend for any couples who is looking for a nice romantic and relaxing day together.

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