Scuba Lodge & Ocean Suites i Willemstad

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104, Pietermaai, Pietermaai, Willemstad, CW Curaçao
Kontakter telefon: +599 9 465 2575
Latitude: 12.1021753, Longitude: -68.9262962
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Kommentar 5

  • Martha Osorio

    Martha Osorio


    Amazing LOCATION and service is great. Close to shoppes and cafes. Staff is wonderful! The front desk staff was so helpful in everything. Our Housekeeping staff Chimane made us feel like we were part of the family everyday. The room as well as the premises were spotless at all times!

  • erik kuiper

    erik kuiper


    I just walked it to see what was behind the beautiful front of the building and check for prices. It's around a hundred bucks. and its worth it. the staff is friendly of this boutique hotel on this amazing spot. Although friendly staff ware mostly Interns from the Netherlands, still friendly do. but not so much knowledge about the Island yet.

  • Grant Culham

    Grant Culham


    Great place. Stayed here, dove with them, ate here, drank here, swam here. Rooms are nice, both AC and a ceiling fan and shutters you can open for a breeze. Clean, modern and private rooms. Nice bathroom and shower. Street parking usually available, but if it's busy (like on Kings Day!) they might let you park on the sidewalk blocking their entrance & leave the keys with their security guards Satay on Sunday was good, small (but so were the ones in Indonesia...). Breakfast was good (pumpkin pancakes were best item ). No real beach, but that's true on most of this island. Lovely infinity pool and lounging area to watch the surf, sunset, etc. City beach 88 next door does great pizzas, bitterballen, and puts on a great happy hour on Thursday. Based on other reviews here we skipped the BBQ night and went next door. (Reviewed dive shop separately, but 5 *'s for them as well).

  • Heather P

    Heather P


    We stopped by Scuba Lodge to book a 'referral dive' to finish out my certification because our hotel had recommended them. They weren't able to fit me into their schedule but Peter was nice enough to call around to other dive shops he knew and recommended and found us one that had an opening. Super helpful and I really appreciate the above and beyond service.

  • Adam D

    Adam D


    Diving staff were quite friendly and relaxed. Good atmosphere. The dive bus they use to get to sites is nice and roomy. Diving group gets 5 🌟. Restaurant on the other hand: wait staff was quite good. location as well. Kitchen staff for the Thursday night BBQ and the BBQ itself was extremely disappointing. Each 'round' I was served a single, small portion. (1 stick of chicken satay, for example) with the next round taking 30 minutes or more. The bite sized piece of fish was overcooked. The burger was under cooked and the replacement burger was cold and raw in the center. At that point I left. Diving with scuba lodge, I happily recommend. Eating there, not.

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