Van Den Tweel Supermarket Zeelandia i Sapate Eiland

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28, Kaya Jacob Posner, Sapate Eiland, CW Curaçao
Kontakter telefon: +599 461 2411
Latitude: 12.1127421, Longitude: -68.9070097
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Kommentar 5

  • Eugene Stein

    Eugene Stein


    Fresh vegetables en fruit. And love the gluten free food.

  • J Carolina

    J Carolina


    For everybody different food and drinks to bay. Greate service for everybody's wallet different prices

  • Enith-Louisa Ustasia

    Enith-Louisa Ustasia


    At Van Den Tweel I can get all the products that I was accustomed to buy when I lived in the Netherlands. I love the place.

  • Rombout Versluijs

    Rombout Versluijs


    Great supermarker, very big and lots of items. A bit pricey though compared to other supermarkets. But a lot of items are A-class

  • Caresse Isings

    Caresse Isings


    Real good quality and variety of stock! And it would be great if they did something about their inner culture. Considering that they initially opened shop to mainly cater to the local Dutch Target Audience, there is a more European behavioral approach by local people who work there. Which means that they do not make eyecontact, greet or connect with the customer in the same warm manner we are all accustomed to connect with one another in Curaçao.

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