Wet & Wild Beach Club i Willemstad

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Willemstad, Curaçao
Kontakter telefon: +599 9 561 2477
Hjemmeside: m.facebook.com
Latitude: 12.0873525, Longitude: -68.8997376
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Kommentar 5

  • m the

    m the


    Don’t order anything but beer.. all mixes especially during happy hour are mixed with water or apple juice.. vodka drinks has no taste but water.. I ordered a vodka cranberry and got a water water punch drink, and I saw them mix it, so they’re the kind that pre-fills the bottles before.. Sleazy.. and purely pathetic.. The food is just plain the most bland ever, boiled hot dogs and boiled steamed buns with freezer food..

  • Eddyson Peny

    Eddyson Peny


    Good music combine with cheap cold bear in happy hour.. what else to ask for? 🕺

  • Michael Harris

    Michael Harris


    Super friendly staff. Drinks are excellent and relatively cheap.

  • Sara Rehart

    Sara Rehart


    So much fun. The DJ played really good music when I was there. You're out by the water, just dancing the night away!

  • Adam D

    Adam D


    good people, good location, BBQ night on Friday. Great to be able to grab a drink and go float in the lagoon while watching the sun set. Also a good place for morning coffee as they open at 9am. They also have snacks and even some healthy options like fresh fruit shakes/smoothie. Full bar. Restroom and outdoor shower available. Happy hours Friday and Sunday. Sunday evening also has a DJ. depending on the season it can be relaxed or really rocking.

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