Avila Beach Hotel i Willemstad

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130 Penstraat, Willemstad, Curaçao
Kontakter telefon: +599 9 461 4377
Hjemmeside: www.avilabeachhotel.com
Latitude: 12.1005115, Longitude: -68.9218266
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Kommentar 5

  • Paxton Stewart

    Paxton Stewart


    I had an awesome stay. Didn’t eat at the hotel so can’t comment on that aspect. Our room was awesome, clean and had an amazing view. Staff was decent. Beautiful beach. Easy ten minute walk to Otro Bunda. Plenty of places to eat around the hotel but definitely reserve beforehand. We def going back!!!👍🏽

  • Julie Chang

    Julie Chang


    We really enjoyed our stay at the hotel. The beach setting is very relaxing and tranquil. We found the staff pleasant and the restaurant food to be decent. The restaurant service was decent but the bar service is very slow. I know the hotel is undergoing a renovation so I’m sure that will improve the experience further as the main downside we experienced is the walls were a bit mildewy and the bed was very firm and not very comfortable. Overall the location is great and Id highly recommend

  • André Cella

    André Cella


    Boa localização (dá para ir a pé ao Centro), praia privativa, restaurante muito variado nas refeições, preço mais em conta que hotéis de rede na ilha, caráter histórico das instalações e muito cuidado no paisagismo são alguns dos pontos positivos.

  • Helio T. Motoike

    Helio T. Motoike


    Atendimento muito bom, principalmente nas areas de bar e restaurante. Limpo, ar condionado potente. Praia no geral limpa, infelizmente muitos hospedes/ turistas jogam bastante cigarros na areia. E possui uma academia super moderna.

  • Jim Bartlett

    Jim Bartlett


    Great rooms, friendly staff and beautiful grounds. The beach area is amazing with the man-made breakwater keeping waves down (it gets windy here!). All services are right on the beach so you can enjoy the view of the water while having a drink or eating dinner. Easy walk to Queen Emma Bridge.

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