BOB Autowas i Willemstad

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Kaminda André J.E. Kusters, Willemstad, CW Curaçao
Kontakter telefon: +599 9 465 2787
Latitude: 12.1117906, Longitude: -68.9071072
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Kommentar 5

  • Idelca Rafaela

    Idelca Rafaela


    Car washed inside and out in no time! Great service.

  • Gilianne Martina

    Gilianne Martina


    In a hurry? Drive thru and keep going with your car clean.

  • Cassandra de Camps

    Cassandra de Camps


    Fast and convenient. They always seem to miss spots at the front bottom of my car though, and if the inside is being done, they always miss the front inner corner of your car door. But a kind word can get it done, the boys are responsive.

  • Andrew Solomon

    Andrew Solomon


    Modern car wash. Quick if it is not busy. Interior cleaning done well also.

  • L Maldonado

    L Maldonado


    Quality car washing drive through. You can choose from many different washes. The staff is very friendly and helpful. Your car will be left spotless in just a few minutes.

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