Cravings Sushi i Willemstad

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Schottegatweg Oost, Willemstad, CW Curazao
Kontakter telefon: +599 9 736 6711
Latitude: 12.1182576, Longitude: -68.9016818
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Kommentar 5

  • sislin schrama scoop

    sislin schrama scoop


    Kome hopi dushi

  • Jose Luis Ferrero Albert

    Jose Luis Ferrero Albert


    Very low quality sushi and a super high price. The place is nice though. I would not come back here

  • Kevin Dunseath

    Kevin Dunseath


    Craving Sushi is a great spot for sushi on Curacao. First things first, loads of parking at Promenade Mall and convenient since it's just off the ring road. As for the sushi and sashimi, it's very good, although if you're a traditionalist, be careful what you order; like a lot of places on the island a large number of their offerings have cream cheese in them. There is a lot to recommend on the menu. The crispy salmon skin hand roll alone is worth going for.

  • Frank C

    Frank C


    Tiene lo que necesitas restaurantes tiendas y un excelente ambiente familiar o en pareja

  • Octavio Rodriguez

    Octavio Rodriguez


    agradable y acogedor

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