Curaçao Brewing Co i Willemstad

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Cas Coraweg, Willemstad, CW Curaçao
Kontakter telefon: +599 9 788 0053
Latitude: 12.1238839, Longitude: -68.8763846
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Kommentar 5

  • Jessica Gaber

    Jessica Gaber


    Perfectly lovely brewpub. When we were there the kitchen was closed as the cook was off sick, but we were just there for the beer! We had flights of everything on tap at the time - a lager, witbier (a favourite of some of our group - very Belgian style, with a strong clove taste), a nice brown (my favourite, nicely malt forward), and an IPA (west coast North American style, with grapefruit and pine tones). We just wish their beer was available more places!

  • Dustin Hudyma

    Dustin Hudyma


    Beer was good but a little light for my tastes. The food was good with gargantuan portions.

  • James King

    James King


    Beer was very good but was unfortunately very dead there. Have been to a ton of breweries and the beer was up to par. Will return. Hope more folks find there way to you. Really needed a good beer after all the super light beer here.

  • Todd Beckett

    Todd Beckett


    This place was a really pleasant surprise. After having a lot of macro-brewed light lagers, being able to get a good IPA and other quality beers was a treat during our visit to Curaçao. We also had some very tasty wings and the cowboy dip. We would definitely return on our next visit to the island.

  • Kathy D

    Kathy D


    Only good thing about this restaurant is the beer and the bartender. The bar manager needs a personality transplant. Never smiles and we always felt like we were bothering her. The owner doesn't seem to care if his bar survives or not. They were taking reservations for Superbowl Sunday and we were 6 at the bar area watching the game and with 5 minutes left in the game they kicked us out!!! I definitely will not be returning.

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