Curacao Maritime Museum i Willemstad

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N. van den Brandhofstraat 1, Willemstad, Curaçao
Kontakter telefon: +599 9 465 2327
Latitude: 12.107175, Longitude: -68.932673
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Kommentar 5

  • Mike Borud

    Mike Borud


    A nice museum that highlights the shipping history of Curacao.

  • Dustin Hudyma

    Dustin Hudyma


    500+ years of nautical history! Lots of interesting artifacts and models. Very interesting learning about Curaçao's history and the role it played in the slave trade.

  • erik kuiper

    erik kuiper


    Curacao as being an Island, the maritime history has its significant impact on the development on the Island. This is a well documented museum what is worth a visit. As being a photographer, the outside building was very appealing to my eye.

  • Donna Barrett

    Donna Barrett


    The museum was a lovely spot to learn not only about the navy but to learn how Curacao came to be the beautiful island of today. The museum takes you from the beginning through to the present and to the future. The curator should should take pride in its collection.

  • Hillel Weinberg

    Hillel Weinberg


    Lovely compact museum. A nice break from shopping.

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