Hotel Kura Hulanda Spa and Casino i Willemstad

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Langestraat # 8, Willemstad, Curaçao
Kontakter telefon: +599 9 434 7700
Latitude: 12.109052, Longitude: -68.936065
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Kommentar 5

  • Marieke Curtius

    Marieke Curtius


    It's not the same as it were in the past... Jacob Gelt Dekker's organisation and after that another company was better for me, honestly! The location is very centered....

  • Brad Walters

    Brad Walters


    A really nice hotel in a great location. The staff was mostly very friendly and helpful. The exception was the fellow at the front desk who was a bit snarky to my girlfriend regarding grammar. The buildings and rooms were very nice, and well-appointed. The only problem we had was a small issue with ants. They sent housekeeping to remedy the problem very quickly.

  • Jurgen Kaminski

    Jurgen Kaminski


    The staff is friendly and the breakfast is good. However the hotel has not been maintained over the last few years. Lots of things around the hotel are broken or are needing attention. Both pools are always covered with leaves. My room lacked ventilation and was a little musty. The internet, at its best, is 3 Mbps but was cutting out entirely during peak usage times. The all rooms open to the streets of the 'village' where they play 'soothing' music. One night the muzak was left on all night.

  • Jeremy Irving

    Jeremy Irving


    Great location. Lots of nice spaces scattered throughout the property. Our room was clean, cute, comfortable, and everything worked.

  • Jose Macias

    Jose Macias


    The concept of the hotel is very nice but what really distinguish this place is the people. They are extraordinary! Extremely friendly and helpful , one of the best experiences I have that's the reason I rate it with 5 stars. The hotel Itself is very nice but if you are looking for enjoy the Caribbean beaches this is not the option.

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