Imperial Sales & Services N.V. i Willemstad

Åben kort
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🕗 Åbningstider

Rooi Santoe #700-b, Willemstad, Curaçao
Kontakter telefon: +599 9 767 5736
Latitude: 12.108549, Longitude: -68.866702
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Kommentar 5

  • Francis Hermina

    Francis Hermina


    Best local parts store

  • Lucette Maduro

    Lucette Maduro


    Service is fast And very good

  • Joël Alberto

    Joël Alberto


    Good service from the staff. They are open till 9pm at the rooi santu servic parts office.

  • Rigoberto G.

    Rigoberto G.


    All kinds of aftermarket autoparts and accesories.

  • Cassandra de Camps

    Cassandra de Camps


    Wide selection in the shop, but what I really go for is the small food shop next door. Saturday and Sunday morning they have pan sera, a dense bread, perfect for a bacon and egg sandwich, or to dip in local style soups. If you're in the neighborhood, you should try out this little known secret!

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