La Bohème Curaçao i Willemstad

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Columbusstraat 4, Willemstad, Curaçao
Kontakter telefon: +599 9 465 1966
Latitude: 12.10445, Longitude: -68.93279
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Kommentar 5

  • Chris



    The breakfast is great here! I wish my girlfriend and I had discovered this place sooner on our vacation. The omlette is great and so is the giant pancake. I didn't think breakfast could taste this good. Try to get banana bread if they have any. The service was also very friendly unlike our other service experiences on the island.

  • m the

    m the


    One of the best places in Curaçao. Not amazing food, but friendly and decent, and priced accordingly. Great smoothies, ‘the hulk’ is pretty nice.

  • Jim banas

    Jim banas


    I would highly recommend this place! It's a quaint little place with great food, coffee and friendly staff that will remember you if you come back several times!

  • erik kuiper

    erik kuiper


    Great spot. Good food. so a nice place for lunch or a drink in the center of town. They know what they are doing. the service is fast and friendly.

  • Steven Orth

    Steven Orth


    Great food and beverages. Friendly and nice waitress and waiters... You can also hear the sound of the Caribbean there. Live music from local people... The prices are also good... The quality is top...the food is very delicious. But you can also sit there...and drink a beer or a Batido. You have to see this beautiful place...there is a good mood every time.

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