Laundromat City Home i Willemstad

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Roodewg 11, Willemstad, Curazao
Kontakter telefon: +599
Latitude: 12.111161, Longitude: -68.940341
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Kommentar 5

  • Christopher Darville

    Christopher Darville


    I had a bag full of sweaty workout clothes from 6 days of my wife and I doing P90x3 workouts. I took my clothes Laundromat City Home [not sure how they came up with that name] and was done in less than 90 minutes. Our clothes were fresh and clean. The store attendant helped us throughout the process. The price was also very competitive. Planing on going back before we leave the island.

  • Richard lr

    Richard lr


    If you need to wash your clothes and look for a washer and dryer this is the right place, the costs are affordable and the attention of the Chinese couple is warm.

  • John Skovron

    John Skovron


    Despite language barrier, Chinese couple who run the are SUPER responsive and aim to please. They did a great job!

  • Daisy Kochei

    Daisy Kochei


    Laundry is weighed and washed by size load. We had 2 small loads, 11Fl each. Great commercial washers and dryers. Dryers are 11Fl/30 minutes-our 2 loads dried well together. They also sell detergent/bleach/softener by the cup. Small AC area in the back to fold laundry. Drop off or self service available.

  • Petra Smit

    Petra Smit


    Clean, fast working machines, helpful staff, free parking on sundays, no need for small change, you can swipe, prices aren't too crazy, can do it yourself or leave it for them to do it for you

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