Mangusa Hypermarket i Willemstad

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Cas Coraweg, Willemstad, CW Curaçao
Kontakter telefon: +599 9 736 6400
Latitude: 12.1258235, Longitude: -68.877617
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Kommentar 5

  • Edil Poulina

    Edil Poulina


    Large supm, good assortment of meat, fruits and veggies, canned food, household and garden stuff, beverages and a lot more. Foodyard inside. Large parking place.

  • Juan Pablo Pirela Pocaterra

    Juan Pablo Pirela Pocaterra


    Good place to buy any kind of groceries, really full of all kinds of articles for the home, very recommended

  • Richard lr

    Richard lr


    Economical, safe, great variety of products, one of the biggest and most varied supermarkets in curacao, it is worth going. I recommend it to you. A fact: The locals say that the mangusa of Rio Canario is cheaper than the new one.

  • Emilio Ferrero

    Emilio Ferrero


    It has everything you need. I prefer not to go at peak hours. It is crowded but cash registers move fast

  • JRZ Media Group

    JRZ Media Group


    Supermarket is very updated, Clean, Fresh! They have a wide variety of products. American Brands Europe Brands South American Brands and more... If you like organic products Mangusa is way to go. They also have a Foodcourt with nice dishes. @Check the Delicious Red Snapper with "Funchi" and Seafood Rice And now also a Fitness Zone free for everyone to use! (coming soon march)

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