Quint's Travelers Inn i Willemstad

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🕗 Åbningstider

8, Corriweg, Willemstad, CW Curaçao
Kontakter telefon: +599 9 843 1888
Hjemmeside: www.bookquints.com
Latitude: 12.1364668, Longitude: -68.8959503
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Kommentar 5

  • Richard lr

    Richard lr


    Clean, beautiful, pleasant and very well located, has a ice cream shop, fenshuy shop and massage place.

  • Joël Alberto

    Joël Alberto


    Room are economic and very nice. Perfect for someone on a budget or just a weekend get away.

  • Alex Riley

    Alex Riley


    Great new hotel for business travel.

  • Tairy Girl

    Tairy Girl


    It's been a lovely stay, whenever we left our room, we came back to find it nice and clean. The room we have was very nice and the lights are pretty. The air conditioning is great, we have tv, a microwave, a fridge, a safe to store your important things in. There's a small little balcony, a nice pool outside, and Wi-Fi. We would definitely stay here again!

  • Dave Ostrowski

    Dave Ostrowski


    I really cannot say enough good things about this place. Large room, spotlessly clean, powerful air conditioning and ceiling fan, strong wifi, friendly staff. It's a 15-minute drive to the nearest beach which is why the price seems too good to be true. One of our best hotel experiences of all time.

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