Renaissance Curacao Resort & Casino i Willemstad

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Baden Powellweg 1, Willemstad, Curaçao
Kontakter telefon: +599 9 435 5000
Latitude: 12.105486, Longitude: -68.938775
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Kommentar 5

  • Mike Kushnir

    Mike Kushnir


    The best casino on the island. It is still pretty small but good enough to spend a couple of hours. The slots don't feel too tight, we actually won a couple of hundreds.

  • Frankie Martinez

    Frankie Martinez


    The manager Luis and hotel porter Alex were amazing, friendly and beyond exceptional. Reason for my rating is the bedroom sheets were not clean, even when I requested additional sheets, had issues with toilet not flushing properly, my ocean view room had two huge palm trees obstructing my view. Had an issue with the casino rules "no hat after 7" although shorts are okay, which didn't make sense since this is a vacation resort/casino.

  • Adam Anthony

    Adam Anthony


    Great location, Shoppes, infinity pool, excellent buffet! Walking distance to the famous pontoon bridge. Very lively part of town. Unfortunately, they offer inside state rooms that have no Windows which felt very claustrophobic. Rooms are nice though.

  • William Haneke

    William Haneke


    Super cool resort built into a fort! Walking distance to world class restaurants and close to Punda (all close). Overlooks ocean, has cabanas and many bars. Very chill and you can always find a quiet corner to yourself. Tip: Look out for petty thieves and local young hustlers, really nothing to worry about, just keep your wits about you and don't get too smashed.

  • anthony snijders

    anthony snijders



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