The Ritz Village i Willemstad

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25, Scharlooweg, Willemstad, CW Curaçao
Kontakter telefon: +599 9 844 9950
Latitude: 12.106878, Longitude: -68.9274057
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Kommentar 5

  • erik kuiper

    erik kuiper


    Although the Street where the Ritz is located fantastic is due to architecture, we should not be confused by the name. It is not the Ritz-Carlton. The service level by the friendly staff is great. they have a pool, cozy bar and a modern look and feel behind the historical front of the building. A great hotel for that price.

  • Dino Flores

    Dino Flores


    Stayed 2 nights, place is quite romantic, well maintained and super close to the city center. Personnel is great and rooms are in great shape and SUPER quiet! Great experience to be repeated soon

  • Urian Reite

    Urian Reite


    Cozy historical building turned into a little apartment villa/hotel with a small pool and plenty of parking space. Reasonably priced for a 3star hotel.

  • Vivek Bhatt

    Vivek Bhatt


    Good hotel and co operative staff. But they some basics are missing i.e. sanitary kit. Hot water for shower.

  • Rose Zu

    Rose Zu


    One-week studio stay for two in October, 2017. Clean room, well-stocked kitchen, very efficient air conditioning, cable TV. Staff were friendly and helpful for booking tours, renting a car, and providing advice on restaurants. Daily maid service who helped with the dishes! Very convenient location right next to the central bank and underneath the U.S. consulate, so we felt safe even if it was on the "wrong" side of town (according to tour guides). Great value for the stay, but prices at the restaurant are a bit steep.

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