Vakantiepark The Pearl of the Caribbean i Willemstad

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Weg Naar Santa Catharina, Willemstad, CW Curaçao
Kontakter telefon: +599 9 767 4866
Latitude: 12.138459, Longitude: -68.831378
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Kommentar 5

  • Jeritza Lucas

    Jeritza Lucas


    Great place

  • Marjorie Quintero

    Marjorie Quintero


    Excellent place to stay

  • Katherine



    Houses located together in a gated community. Some room to walk around, houses/apartments contain the basic necessities and furnished. Allowed to bring your dogs but must leave them in the apartment and the cant be free in the yard.. It's open space 🙈 some houses have their own yard and are gated. These are homes. It has a common pool and the location is a little off from everything so you need a car to drive around. The zoo is walking distance and ostrich farm 5-10 min drive. The kitchen is nice but the beds are really not nice for a couple, they are 2 obvious beds stuck together. 3.5/5 for me. I stayed with my pet, as a single person it's okay.. . As a couple I'm not so sure I would have opTed to stay here knowing the bed situation.

  • Mega L

    Mega L


    I find it was nice to have a lot of towels and it's very fantsy

  • Aga Tempelaars

    Aga Tempelaars


    Great for families, we have 2 small children under the age of 3, and loved this place. The local hostess is so accommodating, helped us with maps, high chairs, a baby bed. It is super safe, gated community with security guard walking at night. The community pool is perfect, so well maintained and very clean. You definitely need a car to get around though as it really isn't too close to any amenities, beaches or downtown. However we were ok with that. We would come back again!

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