Van Den Tweel ( Albert Heijn ) i Sapate Eiland

Åben kort
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28, Kaya Jacob Posner, Sapate Eiland, CW Curaçao
Kontakter telefon: +599 9 461 2411
Latitude: 12.1128391, Longitude: -68.9069393
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Kommentar 5

  • Gilberto Hart

    Gilberto Hart


    Good supermarket with a wide variety of products. I especially enjoy their breads

  • Jos Schmetz

    Jos Schmetz


    Nice supermarket. Lots of choices. Reasonable prices.

  • Martin Giraldo

    Martin Giraldo


    Well kept supermarket open 7 days a week from 8:00-20:00. Mostly European products, not a huge assortment of products but just enough to keep your pantry stocked. There is also a cozy indoor cafetaria where you can enjoy snacks, sub's coffee and fresh juice.

  • Arnd Brugman

    Arnd Brugman


    Great selection of products. Fresh and we'll positioned. Convenient parking. Very fresh inside, but atmosphere and temperature ;)

  • Ralph Durgaram

    Ralph Durgaram


    For decent european and good quality local groceries you go to Van Den Tweel. Good service and a very cozy popular coffee cafe. With some local paint art exposed on the wall to buy. For good shopping, a nice byte with a freshly made juice and a chat with folks. Not just a great supermarket, but also a great spot to have lunch and meet up with friends.

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