Elite Dry Cleaners i Willemstad

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Kaya Angel J. Leanez, Willemstad, CW Curaçao
Kontakter telefon: +599 465 6646
Latitude: 12.1084402, Longitude: -68.9049969
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Kommentar 5

  • Parag Mahajan

    Parag Mahajan


    Good quality and service. The pricing is on expensive side

  • Paul Renardel de Lavalette

    Paul Renardel de Lavalette


    While visiting my daughter on the island, coming from the European winter, I reckoned this to be the most opportune time to get my rather expensive winter raincoat drycleaned and made water resistant as I obviously wouldn't be needing it here, as opposed to foul weathering Europe. Unwittingly, I first went to a small neighbourhood facility which only made my coat look a lot worse by creating big dark blotches and spots on the fabric, while also not being able to make it water resistant. Adding insult to injury, they charged me extra in the process as well. Being fed up with this I took my business elsewhere and found Elite in Saliña. Aside from the attractive, pleasant and competent young ladies working there, the owner/manager greeted me when I came to fetch my coat two days later. He and his team had managed to undo the serious damage done by the previous dry cleaner, as well as made the coat water resistant again. The gentleman graciously only charged me for the latter activity and at a more than reasonable price. Elite certainly is a name that facility rightfully carries and should do so with pride. Bravo!

  • Alexander Damascus

    Alexander Damascus


    The most reliable, professional and clean dry cleaning place on the island.

  • Ariadna Rodriguez

    Ariadna Rodriguez


    So, I'm not one to do promo but i really love this place! A little while ago I had a terrible accident with my favorite pair of jeans (it involves nail polish). You can of course imagine that it is something really difficult to get rid of, especially on clothing pieces so I was ready to say goodbye to them. Luckily for me, Elite came to the rescue and saved my oh so loved jeans. Give it a test, you will not regret it!

  • Cyroos Ayandeh

    Cyroos Ayandeh


    We have the best customers. We love them all and enjoy doing excellent job for them each time.

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