Greka's Coffee House i Willemstad

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Parking & Mall,, Willemstad, Curaçao
Kontakter telefon: +599
Latitude: 12.1038291, Longitude: -68.9319657
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Kommentar 5

  • Heather P

    Heather P


    Cute coffee spot. Nice mix of inside and outside seating. Coffee was good and they had ice coffee - not frozen drinks, but actual iced coffee which has been hard to find on the island. Friendly service. The sandwich we had was good too.

  • OmniSynThesis - Joscelin Trouwborst

    OmniSynThesis - Joscelin Trouwborst


    For what you get for the money you will get spoiled deliciously for breakfast, a lunch bite and all sorts of coffees and cakes. Pleasant service, cozy environment. Free WiFi. Soft alcohol and sodas as well.

  • Jeremy Irving

    Jeremy Irving


    Great coffee and atmosphere. Wifi works

  • Kunal Arora

    Kunal Arora


    Cozy little coffee shop in the heart of downtown. Awesome breakfast bites and incredible coffee! A must visit in Curacao Two thumbs up

  • Nadin Varsovia

    Nadin Varsovia


    Vegan friendly service with option for soy-/almondmilk cappuccino and a delicious vegan carrot cake!

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