Curaçao Zoo & Botanical Garden i Willemstad

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Chuchubiweg z/n Public Entrance Reigerweg z/n Service Entrance, Willemstad, Curaçao
Kontakter telefon: +599 9 736 0188
Latitude: 12.131223, Longitude: -68.895287
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Kommentar 5

  • Esther van Rijswijk

    Esther van Rijswijk


    Under construction till 2023!!

  • Gilvienne Doran

    Gilvienne Doran


    doesn' t have much animals.

  • es ra

    es ra


    Currently the zoo is an empty Shell of what it used to be. Many wonderful memories lay at this location. Now only a nearly empty lot at the size of 3 soccer fields is accesible. It is a pity knowing the potential of this place. Perhaps if I return in 6 years my opinion will change radically. In the mean time I will spend my time elsewhere

  • L Maldonado

    L Maldonado


    Used to be a great place to visit, but now it seems to be falling apart. You can still see a ostrich, some birds and ducks, but it is not a pretty place to visit.

  • Jeremy Ferreira

    Jeremy Ferreira


    It's nice to visit this place to walk through the zoo and see some of the islands native animals. (Mostly birds) Though in recent years this place has really gone downhill and is in a badly maintained state.

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