Dolphin Academy Curacao i Willemstad

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Bapor Kibrá, Willemstad, Curaçao
Kontakter telefon: +599 9 465 8900
Latitude: 12.083751, Longitude: -68.89656
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Kommentar 5

  • Colleen Powers

    Colleen Powers


    This is a once in a lifetime opportunity! There are not enough words to describe how special the entire experience is. The trainers are outstanding, you can see the love and pride between both them and the dolphins. Serena (dolphin) is such a sweet girl! She swam with me almost the entire time, rolled over for me to rub her belly, she even decided to show off to me and "stood on her head". I am blessed to have met such a wonderful species.

  • Nick Ortakales

    Nick Ortakales


    We accidentally missed our time slot for swimming with the dolphins. The trainers VERY graciously allowed us to swim with dolphins during the next show off to the side. We had 3 dolphins all to ourselves for 20-15 minutes because of this and it was absolutely magical.

  • Pat Fitzpatrick

    Pat Fitzpatrick


    What a wonderful place, my girlfriend went there while I went diving, I didn't realize that I could dive with dolphins while she swam with them. We will be back.

  • Sean P. O'Connor

    Sean P. O'Connor


    We had a fantastic time meeting the dolphins. They have a very kind approach to keeping the Dolphins. The aquarium was rather nice my favorite part was the stationary glass bottom boat out back there's so much to see. The staff was ready and willing to chat you up and their enthusiasm was infectious. The sea lion show was a lot of fun and the dolphin show was also rather great very close up and intimate. Highly recommended a great way to spend a day on Curacao. From what I understand they run some rather amazing dive tours, but that's not my thing...

  • Gerry Richer

    Gerry Richer


    Spent a week at Sunscape Resort March 13-20/2016, scuba dived with dolphin(named Christmas?)....just an incredible experience.....the trainers certainly demonstrated their close bond with their dolphin ...just like mother and child.....want to thank Paul our guide, the event was well worth the time and expense.....the photographer did an excellent job with the go-pro and i obviously purchased a copy of the family and friends are in awe! ...a fond memory forever! Sincere thank you to staff and the academy.. Gerry, Aylmer, Ontario, Canada

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