Den Paradera, Curacao's Herb Garden i Willemstad

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Willemstad, Curaçao
Kontakter telefon: +599 9 767 5608
Latitude: 12.092624, Longitude: -68.8228825
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Kommentar 5

  • Andy Kirchner

    Andy Kirchner


    It is so interesting to see what the power of nature can do. Dinah Veeris Botanical Garden gives you a look in the local biology and herbal garden of Curaçao and the medicinal knowledge of our ancestry. There is also a small store where you can buy local tea's, salves and ointments made in Den Paradera.

  • Ro Do

    Ro Do


    My family was blessed to visit and meet mother Veeris several years ago. Her store is the epitome of natural products. I hope to visit again soon. Definitely a hidden gem in Curacao.

  • Martin L.

    Martin L.


    It's just the best place for almost every natural health product. Great professonal help with choosing the best product for your need.

  • Chantal Manderscheid

    Chantal Manderscheid



  • Alex Klink

    Alex Klink


    Die Fahrt in diesen entlegenen Teil der Insel kann man sich gut sparen. Alles braun und grau, dazwischen ein paar Kräuter. Und das ganze für 7 Dollar pro Nase! Wir sind nach 5 Minuten wieder gefahren.

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