Dolphin Suites Curacao i Willemstad

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Bapor Kibra z/n, Willemstad, Curaçao
Kontakter telefon: +599 9 465 2700
Latitude: 12.0870185, Longitude: -68.8966033
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Kommentar 5

  • David A. Cruz Vargas

    David A. Cruz Vargas


    Is a really nice place to relax!

  • eddy elsbeth

    eddy elsbeth


    Overall great experience. Maintenance should check operation of amenities more frequently. (no light in bedroom, dead batteries in A/C remote) Very convenient location with lots to do!!

  • caroline mauricia

    caroline mauricia


    Our stay was sublime! Everything went smoothly, from the moment we arrived. Nice, clean studio, amenities, welcome vouchers, special movie night for the kids. They loved the small pool - we practically had it to ourselves. It's a nice bonus to have entrance to the Seaquarium and the beach. I absolutely loved the balcony with seaview and the small but very well packed library with books and magazines in different languages. Very friendly and helpful staff. The one regret we have is we could not have stayed longer :)

  • jason chandler

    jason chandler


    I really like the staff and the facilities here. I only marked it down one star because sometimes the night security guards are a little inept.

  • Art Jacobson

    Art Jacobson


    Had a great stay. The location is excellent (close to beach, seaquarium and restaurants), staff is friendly and the room was comfortable. Dolphin Suites makes a good home base for your exploration of the southern part of Curacao. A couple of things that held it back from 5 stars: - no place on the web or in communications was it mentioned that the electric outlets were all European style. Other web sites indicate that Curacao uses US-style outlets so we didn't bring our adapters with us. We were able to borrow one from the front desk, but it made life more difficult for us than it needed to be. - other than the closet, there are no hooks in the room to hand anything! Given the fact that it was rainy season and that we were scuba diving, it was very difficult to dry any of our wet items anywhere. There was not even a place to hang a hand towel by the sink! We recommend putting up some hooks in the room, especially near the sink.

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