Lions Dive and Beach Resort i Willemstad

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Bapor Kibrá, Willemstad, CW Curaçao
Kontakter telefon: +599 9 434 8888
Latitude: 12.085611, Longitude: -68.8973451
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Kommentar 5

  • Martin Giraldo

    Martin Giraldo


    Beautiful hotel at the beach with lots of vegetation and cozy romantic spots. 2 pool bar restaurant's and a beach bar restaurant (Hemingway) serving breakfast, lunch and dinner right on snow white sand beach just literally steps away from cristal clear water. A beautiful place to relax and enjoy the beautiful Caribbean sunset.

  • Shelly Shell

    Shelly Shell


    Very nice quiet, everyone that works there is very nice. Loved it!

  • JGR



    Hello, I want to write a review of the Lions Dive Beach resort in Curacao. Frist impression: Not good. We arrived in Curacao around 2 or so in the afternoon. Upon arriving at the hotel, we were informed that our room was not ready and could we come back at 4:00 p.m. We were not allowed to register and were not asked if we wanted to leave our suitcases while we waited. Luckily, our daughter's room was ready and we were able to store our luggage until 4. The couple beside us were asked if they wanted to store their luggage and register right away. We were not offered this option. Very bad first impression. The resort and private beach are very nice but if you don't find any shade you're out of luck. I did not appreciate the one or two women who decided to sunbathe topless in front of my 10 year-old and 8-year old grandsons! One or two topless sunbathers out of a 1,000 draws attention. Is that really necessary? I understand it's the European way, but Lion's dive should remember that they have guests from all over the world and nudity is not necessarily the norm. Our room was OK. However, we had trouble getting towels and the room was definitely not cleaned properly. By day 3 the bathroom definitely needed a good scrub (10 year old who misses the toilet at times). We had a great view of the beach (which we upgraded for $700 or so for two rooms). Breakfast buffet was the same everyday, but OK. Food prices are outrageous in general (for example, a piece of cheesecake costs US$10.00? I can make a large cheesecake for that price! The dolphin academy is also expensive for dolphin encounters. Granddaughter was really disappointed when we could not pay the $200 price tag per child for a dolphin swim. Luckily, when we were visiting, I was able to purchase a dolphin encounter for my three grandchildren for US$50 per child, including photo of dolphin kiss. They loved it! All in all, I feel that it would be much better to go to Sunscape for the all-inclusive Sun Club option and eat out two or three times. It would definitely be cheaper!

  • K Kuipers

    K Kuipers


    Beautiful location: romantic beach with romantic sunsets, save diving, close to aquarium, restaurants, party and shopping areas, lots of cool/pretty animals nearby. Employees were very professional: friendly, relaxed but efficient, perfect Dutch and English (Papiamento is the local language). Other languages some people learned: Spanish, French and German.

  • Gloria Bermingham

    Gloria Bermingham


    I was charmed by the understated eloquence of this place from the Al fresco dining to the beautifully well kept grounds. Although we did not sign up for an all-inclusive package, we did not venture from the resort very often as we found almost everything we wanted right there! Free shuttles going to the nearby grocery and the downtown Willemstad area made it possible for us to avoid renting a car. The concierge can set you up with a few interesting events to get to know the island.

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