The Cinemas Curacao i Willemstad

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1, Baden Powellweg, Willemstad, CW Curaçao
Kontakter telefon: +599 9 435 5170
Latitude: 12.1064035, Longitude: -68.9388013
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Kommentar 5

  • Donovan Smith

    Donovan Smith


    Good theater, pretty cheap compared to US prices and lots of food options

  • Lydia Obispo

    Lydia Obispo


    Movie night out. Was a nice movie. The mixed popcorn ordered was great and the service smooth. I love my movie nights at the Cinemas. Great place, fast servcie, enough parking places and centrally located. It was good.

  • Shasha Love

    Shasha Love


    Comfortable seats, nice view where ever you sit (just be early to sit where you want) and good service but sometimes is so full that they try their best to be quick! Be patient.

  • Andy Kirchner

    Andy Kirchner


    A nice Cinema where you feel that you are in for a night out. There is an escalator and a lift to go to the Cinema's. The Starbucks downstairs is an extra edition for the Starbucks lovers. And stroll by the sea after the movie optional since it's just a five minute walk and next to the Renaissance Hotel and Riffort in case you want a bite to eat or a gamble after you're done watching a movie.

  • Vladimir Sudimac

    Vladimir Sudimac


    Ok prices, good selection of movies and you can sit wherever you want.

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