The Movies Curacao i Willemstad

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Plaza Mundo Merced, Willemstad, CW Curaçao
Kontakter telefon: +599 9 435 5180
Latitude: 12.1064381, Longitude: -68.9296951
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Kommentar 5

  • Rob Spek

    Rob Spek


    Is renovated over a year ago. Nice, clean, good surround sound, enough parking lots.

  • Steven Beepat

    Steven Beepat


    The place is very old and needs an upgrade. The seating are smelly and small in comparison with Cinemarck Sambil.

  • erik kuiper

    erik kuiper


    I like this movie center. It has a nice hall where you can relax before the movie starts and have a drink or (fast food) snack. And there is a good parking facility. the area is also save to walk at night.

  • Quentin Pieternella

    Quentin Pieternella


    Love the place. Great movie every week. Nice place to go and enjoy with a group of friends

  • Janice Hernandez

    Janice Hernandez


    It's the least crowded theatre on the island. So on busy or premier days, this is your pick. The lines at the concession stand are long due to a limited amount to of cashiers being opened. On Mondays you can grab a movie for only 5 guilders here...which is an amazing deal. The showing schedule can be found online. New showings every Thursdays!

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